Creative Portfolio

A display of various editorials produced by Creative Director, Yatta Savice, founder and creator of Sets of Visions Productions.

“Gossip Girls”

Inspired by the hit television show, “Gossip Girls” airing in the mid 2000’s, this photoshoot embodied the essence of young, fun, and glamour, with a sophisticated edge. The energy captured through this photoshoot showcases a galore of a free spirit but with an element of mysteriousness.

"Ghana Must Go”

Paying homage to the iconic Ghanian travel bags that symbolize family, resilience, and migration, this photoshoot story-tells the connection heritage brings to ones identity.

"Backyard Games”

Reminiscing on the joys of childhood & playful endeavors, “Backyard Games” photoshoot was created to capture the carefree fun-filled days of summer spent outside. As the muse stands behind the fence, the message was to symbolize the freedom of imagination and world of possibilities regardless of age.

Instagram @SetsofVisions